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ArchiPutras excel at Makara 33rd Architecture Student Workshop

by Dr. Wan Srihani Wan Mohamad | Universiti Putra Malaysia


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Sibu – After a solid month of training and working towards preparing a series of modules for the 33rd Architecture Workshop in Sibu, ArchiPutras which consists of 1st year and 2nd year students have shown their true colours and have out done themselves in bringing UPM to fame. Their energy, enthusiasm, camaraderie and creativity displayed throughout the event was remarkable. The event was held and hosted by University Technology Sarawak (UTS), Sibu from 21 – 26 August 2022, with 16 universities (including UPM) participating this year. This is a yearly event that gathers all Architecture students as a platform to interact and engage with architecture students from other universities. It is also to simulate students to be more innovative and have higher desire exploring what architecture has to offer. Our delegate consisted of 33 students and 2 lecturers accompanying the team.

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The following are prizes and special awards won by our ArchiPutras: 

Gateway Installation- Consolation (Trophy)

Design Undergraduate- Consolation (Certificate)

Performance- 2nd Place 

Fashion Show- 2nd Place

Outstanding Participant- Noor Daniel Ikhmal

Mini photography - Top 10 IG Likes (4th place) - Immanuel Gunaraj

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